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Trust as a Remedy for Past Hurts

I think the reason why we don’t want to trust God is because we still adopt the attitude that we have been hurt by other people and by God and that we are the innocent victims of an injustice. Some bad things might have happened to us and we might feel bad about it – but blaming God, ourselves and other people is not going to help us and is not going to allow us to cooperate with God.

If we choose to see ourselves as victims, we see other people, and perhaps even God, as our enemies who cannot be trusted because they might hurt us again. The best thing we can do, therefore, is to forgive them. Foregiveness means that we no longer choose to blame other people for hurting us and that we longer hold onto grudges and we allow ourselves to trust God and other people, as the love of God allows us to.

Forgiveness hands over the reigns of control from our own fear-filled and insecure minds - to God. Forgiveness is about surrender, as we choose to let God deal with the situation, with the understanding that we might still be hurt again. But even if we do get hurt again, we can choose to feel hurt or to rise above it in peace, but only if we accept God.


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