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A Sense of Security and Acceptance – Part 3

Approval of Others

I have noticed that the approval of others also seems to go hand in hand with a person’s sense of security. It would seem that we look to other people to give us confirmation that we are okay the way that we are. The want for approval is finally being taken on by Bible teachers. Joyce Meyer’s popular book Approval Addiction reached number 9 in the New York Times Bestseller list. Grace Preacher Bertie Brits also teaches on the want for approval in his series entitled What God Says About You.

In his book, Mastering Your Emotions, Pastor Colin Dye states that the basic human wants are those of security, significance and self-worth. This makes a lot of sense to me because the want for approval seems to be the fuel for people’s sense of significance and self-worth.

What Causes Sin?

Sin is the soul’s self-preservation mechanism which is only brought into play when the mind determines that its overall security is threatened. Sin comes down to the innate needs in the nature of man. I think that Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs does a wonderful job of summarising the various levels of human need and how we pursue the next category of needs when our most demanding needs are met.

Sin manifests itself in terms of typical wrong modes of behaviour. In Galatians 5:19-21 the apostle Paul lists some of the typical wrong modes of behaviour which he calls “works of the flesh”; Paul said the “works of the flesh” are evident. According to Thayer’s Greek Definitions the word evident or manifest here means plainly recognised or known.

When the identification and control of wrong behaviour is emphasised as a means of inducing good patterns of behaviour, it results in resistance and rebellion, because we don’t like to be told what to do. Paul said in Romans 7:9 that when the commandment came (Ten Commandments) he died (spiritually became devoid of power and self-control). The Message Bible in Romans 7:8 says that the flesh nature makes a piece of "forbidden fruit" out of the law. It is little wonder that Paul calls the Old Testament the ministry of condemnation in 2 Cor. 3:9. Paul also calls the Old Testament the ministry of death in 2 Cor. 3:7.

The Old Testament did not give the promise of life; it simply demanded righteousness from spiritual bankrupt men. The law threatened curses and destruction if its strict demands were not met. When a gun is pointed to a person’s head and they are forced to behave a certain way, they are likely to attempt to do so – but they are likely to be overcome with fear in anything that is demanded of them in that way. If people are forced to respond in fear – the sinful nature will be manifested.

Security and Insecurity

I made a note of a chart that was displayed during a sermon at Hillsong London, which compared attributes of security with that of insecurity. I feel that this comparison perfectly sums-up the contrast between the dispositions of security with that of insecurity. I’ve posted-up this chart before and make no apologies for doing so again; because I really do think it is utterly brilliant is summing-up the contrast between a disposition of security and that of insecurity.



At rest & at peace

Driven & anxious

Accepting of self, confident of one's value to God

Striving to get acclaim, to prove one's value

Content with one's lot in life

Constantly comparing, envying, coveting

Able to bless, affirm and serve others

Jealous, controlling, manipulative & demanding of others

In Summary

  • Will God bless us when we have unbelief? Not very much.
  • Will God bless us when we have a disposition of sin? Again, not very much because if we are living out of the old nature, we are in unbelief and vice-versa.
  • Will God bless us when we transgress? A resounding “Yes!”


high.expressions (Anthony Chia) said...

Hi Paul,

As I read more of your write-up, I come to believe that you have been one who has been searching, and searching hard, reading a lot, listening a lot,and knowing a lot of the various stuff expounded out there by all kinds of gurus. Of course, from your writings, I can tell you have also done in-depth study into many secular philosophies and thoughts.

I can see that you have progressed somewhat in the Christian faith despite your earlier struggle. You have some right understanding of some of the core truths, and that is good. I hope you do not mind me writing like this on your blog site. You should know that it also take up my time and energy to read your write-up and to write my views to you. Please forgive me if any of my words appeared condescending (I have written 2 comments prior to this).

Generally, my advice for you is to stay away from all other kinds of philosophies and thoughts unrelated to the Christian faith. I believe you already have a high dosage of those, I believe as a software engineer, you do not need those in your work. All of these thoughts from the various schools indeed gave some understanding of things but you must bear in mind that much of ideas and concepts are of the world. In fact, I feel you need to release them in order to that you may make further inroad into the understanding and apllication of the faith heritage as embodied in the Bible. I feel in fact, you need to choose. You either follow the Word of God or the world's explanation of things. If you choose to mesh them together, such efforts would only hinder your receiving of understanding of the Word of God.

By the way, there is only one gospel, and it is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Do not listen to people who said that there 2 different gospels, one they called gospel of grace, another they call it by various names, including (Jewish) Kingdom gospel. Lopsided teachings of the Christian faith is found all over the places. Just be careful what you take in.

Read the Word of God, pray to the Holy Spirit to reveal truths to you, study the Word diligently, get to a good church. If there is only one point that I can give, the church should be one that emphasizes the Word. I believe you are already studying the Word, but there still appears that your interpretations are not as excellent. Do not just take any Tom, Dick and Harry's interpretation as the truth, do some research prayerfully.

The gospel of Jesus Christ, by the way is also not prosperity gospel. We do not follow the ways of God to guarantee us prosperity or that by following the ways of God everything will be well with us.

Follow a good daily devotion. Some of the old and late servants of God such as F.B. Meyer are very balanced with their understanding of the word, and because of their dedications and reading of the entire Word of God, many times over, they provide accurate interpretation of the Scriptures, with applications for our living.

I have already mentioned in one of the other comments, transgressions in the Bible are largely referring to sins, so your conclusion that God still blesses people who transgressed is not appropriate. We receive many blessing from God by grace, meaning unmerited or undeservedly. Be careful, how you draw your conclusion.

Also your understanding of unbelief is not very clear I believe.

I have said a lot. I again apologise if in anyway I have been condescending. May the Holy Spirit guide you and reveal to you, truths of His Word. And may God bless you richly for your desire to follow Him.

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