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Light and Frothy People Part 3

Froth I know that when you love someone, it does not matter how dull or contrary they may appear to be, you still love them all the same. Also, even if someone does have genuine charisma and warmth of personality, it does not always guarantee that they will find favour everywhere they go.

I am talking more about likelihoods than absolute facts. Nevertheless, I firmly believe that the quality of a person’s relationship will be determined by the degree of love, life and wisdom that flows through the spirit and soul of those people.

Light and frothy people are usually harmless enough and often quite friendly. The very fact that they are trying to be friendly does indicate their desire to be friendly. You might even find that there is a degree of pleasantness about their character, they have personality traits and foibles that are actually quite charming; there are times when you do genuinely enjoy talking to such people.

But this does not take away the fact that they seem to be inconsistent with everything in their lives, including their personality. They might be seemingly happy one day then down the next. Excitable and chatty one day - quiet as a mouse the next. In fact, you often do not know what to expect next with such people. You do not really know how to approach them sometimes. It is so much better when someone is consistent with their character. If someone is known to be rude, arrogant and obnoxious – then at least you know what to expect when you meet them. But with some people, you do not know what they are going to be like from one day to the next, and therefore, you do not always know how to approach them.

It is so much better when someone is warm, friendly, fun and inviting all of the time. With these people, you know what to expect and it becomes a delight to talk to them. When someone has a genuine nature of love they seem to attract respect, trust, favour, friendliness, generosity from other people. In fact, it is difficult to not like people who have love in their heart. The Bible says that we reap what we sow and this applies to people’s character. If a person has a heart of love, then that love will naturally attract the favour of others, as they express that love towards others.


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