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Many are the Plans in a Man’s Heart

The Impressionable Nature of the Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind is what controls the majority of our thoughts, feelings and actions. The subconscious mind gains impressions from the world around us, via our five senses. It has been said that the subconscious mind cannot reason – that is the function of the conscious mind, to reason and to guard the subconscious mind (heart) from wrong impressions. (See Proverbs 4:23).

The subconscious mind does not say, “Don’t impress me with that – it’s negative”. The subconscious mind accepts what it dwells upon consistently. That is why it is so damaging for a child to be told that it is no good and will not amount to anything. The words of others can hurt our self-esteem, especially when it appears that we have nothing of ourselves in terms of ability or possessions in order to refute those accusations.

According to popular belief, the first six years of our lives are the most important in terms of the development of our beliefs and character. It is for this reason that children need to be raised properly, taught the truth and given as much unconditional love as possible.

The Plans in a Man’s Heart

I just thought it was Christians versus the world and that we had to show that we were better than people in the world – those who did not believe in Christ. It was about the Davids defeating the Goliaths who dared to mock the children of the most high God.

But now I’ve come to see that it’s not about that at all. I can see now that I used Word of Faith teaching like a Christian version of The Secret or The Law of Attraction. For those who do not know, The Secret and The Law of Attraction are popular, modern self-help methods for getting what you want through the use of positive thinking and affirmations.

I thought that I could come-up with any plan of my own, which would see me victorious and would be a testimony of God’s power working in me – then I could bring this plan to God and He would anoint it and bring it to pass.

But I have learned that the subconscious mind can come-up with all sorts of plans and hare-brained ideas. If the subconscious mind becomes convinced that a person is overweight – that person can make it their main focus in life to lose that weight, even if it means following risky and dangerous dieting methods. This is the way in which people become anorexic.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Typically, people will become focused on one or several things at a time as being the thing that will bring them freedom and happiness. When people have this solitary focus, they often lose sight of the opportunities, beauty and blessings that surround them.

The Psychologist Abraham Maslow devised a diagram to support his theory of what he saw as being a hierarchy of needs. People tend to focus their attention on getting those needs met which are appropriate to their position in life.

You can find out more about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs at the following link:'s_hierarchy_of_needs


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