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Light and Frothy People Part 2

16722697_42e6128d67 You can tell when someone has a genuine warmth and depth of character. You find yourself naturally attracted to them. You do not have to approach them and talk to them just because it is expected of you, which is something that seems to go on quite a lot in church.

When you see someone you know who is genuinely charismatic, you find that you cannot help but approach them and establish contact with them. You find that a sense of peace and joy comes upon you and you cannot help but express it through your mannerisms, facial expressions and spoken words. You will often find that the words just seem to tumble out of your mouth of their own accord. There is no faking your joy at seeing them because it is real joy that you experience when you see that person.

When, on the other hand, you see someone you know who does not have genuine charisma that sense of joy does not always seem to manifest itself. This person might give the appearance of being friendly and happy, but it just does not seem to be genuine. When you talk to such a person you can usually establish this persona relatively quickly.

When a light and frothy person speaks to you, you cannot help but get the feeling sometimes that they are just trying to force themselves to be jolly just for the sake of it. Sometimes, such people do not know when to stop smiling and when to stop laughing. They just seem to have a never-ending nervous and giddy excitement about their character.

You can tell how much life and warmth is in someone’s personality by the way they make you feel on the inside. A person who has genuine charisma and depth of personality will usually light you up on the inside of you. It is as if that person becomes the catalyst which ignites a flame within your spirit, so that you can respond to that person with a friendliness that is real.

If someone does not light-up your spirit when they talk to you, then you cannot help but feel bored and somewhat irritated by that person. When this happens, you might find that you start thinking to yourself that the person is boring and that you wished that they would just shut-up! Sometimes, when this happens, you cannot help but express these thoughts with your spoken words.

Some people speak about other people behind their back and say unpleasant things. I have found that this happens mostly to people who lack charisma and friendliness. There is definitely a link between personality and favour with others. People that have a heart of love and life in their spirit are less likely to become the topic of idle gossip in the workplace or in the church. A lack of favour due to a dull personality can be the very thing that causes other people to mock you to your face.


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