The Greek word hupomonē (G5281) appears a total of 33 times in the King James Version of the Bible. It is translated as patience 29 times, patient 2 times, continuance and enduring both once.
According to Strong’s Dictionary of Greek Words, the Greek word hupomonē (G5281) translated patience in the King James Version, means:
From G5278; cheerful (or hopeful) endurance, constancy: - enduring, patience, patient continuance (waiting).
According to Thayer’s Greek Definitions, this Greek word means:
1) steadfastness, constancy, endurance
1a) in the NT the characteristic of a man who is not swerved from his deliberate purpose and his loyalty to faith and piety by even the greatest trials and sufferings
1b) patiently, and steadfastly
2) a patient, steadfast waiting for
3) a patient enduring, sustaining, perseverance
According to the Concise Oxford English Dictionary, the word steadfast means: resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering. The word constancy is described as follows: 1. occurring continuously. 2. remaining the same. Faithful and dependable.
The word faithful is described as remaining loyal and steadfast.
Whilst the word persevere is described as being: to continue in a course of action in spite of difficulty or with little or no indication of success.
I think that this is the best description of endurance and patience is this one from Joseph Thayer: the characteristic of a man who is not swerved from his deliberate purpose and his loyalty to faith and piety by even the greatest trials and sufferings.
How long did Jesus fast?
4 years ago
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