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Love As Acceptance

Acceptance is the vital first step to victory that is often overlooked. Anxious believers are always keen to exercise faith in order to change themselves, their circumstances and the attitudes of the people in their world.

This attitude lends itself to a great extent, to the emphasis given by faith teaching on deliverance and victory, rather than on acceptance. Faith teaching has tended to major on miraculous breakthroughs, especially in the area of remdeption, including healing and financial prosperity.

This is Biblical and has its relevance. However, the subject of faith is often imbalanced in that it focuses on the breakthrough more than on enduring the circumstances of the situation just as they are. The fact of the matter is this: believers will never attain the breakthroughs they seek until they first learn to trust in God, accept themselves as they are, be willing to forebear other people and be at peace with the circumstances they currently find themselves in.

The expression of willingness to accept other people as they are is forbearance; the willingness to forget someone's perceived offence against you is forgiveness. Unforgiveness, therefore, occurs when a person takes offence towards another person.

If a person is unwilling to accept others, they will naturally be provoked by them, even if they do not particularly wish to be provoked by them.


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